Permission to acquire a real estate by a foreigner

Our company helps to settle all the formalities related to the purchase of real estate by a foreigner or foreigners.
We know all the procedures and allow to go harmless through the process of settling a permit to buy a real estate by a foreigner or foreigners.
Please contact us, we handle cases throughout the country.
The acquisition by a foreigner of ownership or use of real property and the purchase or acquisition by a foreigner of shares in commercial companies established in the Polish-owners or users of perpetual real estate in Poland requires the permission of the Minister of Internal Affairs.
In order to get a permit the foreigner must apply for a permit. There is no ready-made patterns of the application.


A foreigner coming from the European Union must obtain a permit to purchase a dwelling located in the border zone?

Entities of the European Economic Area are not required to apply for a permit from the Minister for the purchase of residential premises, including residential premises located in the border zone.

Is acquisition of a share in land which is acquired with the housing unit requires a permit?

Purchase of the land associated with the ownership of a dwelling does not require the permission of the Minister, as it is a right belonging to the premises and is closely associated with it.

What is a "second home"?

The acquisition of the "second home" is the acquisition of property held for housing, or for recreational purposes, which will not be a permanent residence. "Second home" is not an independent dwelling. In the case of purchase by an individual of a property for residential or recreational use, as to whether we are not dealing with "the purchase of a second home" foreigner will decide about the permanent residence on the property in question. Will this should, however, be specific and above all feasible immediately after the purchase of the property. In this case, the foreigner must prove his potential for permanent residence on the property.