About Poland, trips & tours

Poland is located in Central Europe, over Baltic sea. Geographic coordinates are: 50o00'N, 20o00'E.
Total area: 312,685 km2.
land: 304,465 km2.
water: 8,220 km2.

Poland is 63'rd biggest country in the world, and 9'th biggest in Europe.
Borders lenght: 3582 km
sea border: 528 km,
with Russian Federation: 210km,
with Latwia Republic: 103 km,
with Belarus Republic: 416 km,
with Ukraine Republic: 529 km,
with Slovakia Republic: 539 km,
with Czech Republic: 790 km,
with Germany: 467 km.
Warsaw is capital of Poland (494 km2) - 1.618.500 citizens
Language - Polish
Currency -1 zloty(PLN) = 100 groszy

Total population of Poland: 38.654.000 (26'th world wide, and 8'th in Europe)
Rate of accompancy - 124 per square kilometer.

Average lifespan : man - 68.8, woman - 77.5.
Ethnical minorities: Poles - 98.7%, Ukrainians - 0.6%, others - 0.7%.
Religion: Roman Catholics - 95%, Orthodox Church - 1.5%, Evangelics - 1%.

Government in Poland
Poland is a Republic with two upper houses of Parlament (Seym, Senate), called in National Elections for four years tenure. Seym's posted in general election, equal, direct, proportionally in secret voting.
Senate's posted in general election, direct in secret voting.
Seym count's 460 deputys
Senate count's 100 senators

Seym and Senate deliberate together under supervision of President of Polish Seym. It's also called National Assembly (Zgromadzenie Narodowe)
Any internal/external politics are run by government, also called Cabynet.
Head of the Cabynet is Prime Minister.
Prime Minister and his ministers are nominated by President of Poland.
Cabynet is obliged to postpone program within fourteen days, and recive
vote of confidence.
If vote of confidence is not granted, Seym elects new Prime Minister and his
Cabynet, that got to be approved by President of Poland.
Government administrational organ, and government's representative in
local area is called voivode.

No. 16 provinces Poland's square kilometres population (x1000)
1. dolnośląskie (Wrocław) 19 946 2 987
2. kujawsko-pomorskie (Bydgoszcz) 17 970 2 098
3. lubelskie (Lublin) 25 115 2 244
4. lubuskie (Zielona Góra) 13 985 1 019
5. łódzkie (Łódź) 18 223 2 676
6. małopolskie (Kraków) 15 141 3 204
7. mazowieckie (Warszawa) 35 715 5 068
8. opolskie (Opole) 9 412 1 092
9. podkarpackie (Rzeszów) 17 890 2 117
10. podlaskie (Białystok) 20 180 1 224
11. pomorskie (Gdańsk) 18 293 2 179
12. śląskie (Katowice) 12 309 4 899
13. świętokrzyskie (Kielce) 11 672 1 329
14. warmińsko-mazurskie (Olsztyn) 24 202 1 460
15. wielkopolskie (Poznań) 29 942 3 345
16. zachodniopomorskie (Szczecin) 23 032 1 729
Total: 312 685 38 670

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