Assistance in moving to Poland for foreigners, expats

For foreigners, expats moving to Poland, Warsaw, Krakow or other city we provide help with moval, relocation.
We take care of packing your staff at home, moving it to Poland, custom clearence, unpacking. We provide assist with bank account setting, Internet, telephone connection.
Do you need to rent a house or flat - we will help you in this, follow the link REAL ESTATES IN WARSAW


1) Administration of real estates, flat, houses occupied by foreigners, expats
2) Searching for flats, houses for newly arrived foreigners, expats or for the ones looking for a new accommodation.
3) Other actions in accordance with needs and requirements:

A. Home services search
B. Education counseling, searching for schools, nursery, kindergarten
C. Checking in/out of the place of residence of foreigner, expat
D. Help in purchasing a car for foreinger, expat
E. Obtaining NIP for foreinger, expat
F. Change of drivers license to Polish for foreigner, expat
G. Accompaniment and counseling in settling private issues
( Internet, phone purchase, insurance ) for foreigner, expat
H. Other services for foreigner, expat
4) Real estate, house, flat market analyzes for foreigner, expat
5) Tailor-made orientation tours for foreigner, expat

The aim of our orientation or preview program is to provide an insight into the new location in which the foreigner, expat will be living, enabling them to feel comfortable and at home from the moment they arrive.

General tips for moving, not only to Poland

Upon Arrival
- Meeting the foreigner, expat at hotel, company or airport
- Assistance with the accommodation check in of foreigner, expat
- Short briefing about the country or preferred area
- Handing over information package to the foreigner, expat
- Area overview

Prior to Arrival
- Initial telephone contact with foreigner, expat by our coordinator
- Preparation of program based on Needs Assessment
upon arrival
- Meeting the transferee at hotel, company or airport
- Short briefing about the country or preferred area
- Handing over information package
- Area overview
- Accompanied viewing of max 3 accommodation
alternatives depending on the market availability.
- School overview ( if applicable)

This program has been developed for international businesses that are in need of temporary accommodation.
We assist in finding the suitable Hotel accommodations or serviced apartments for a maximum period of 3 months stay.
Prior to Arrival
- Initial telephone contact with employee by Vip-Service coordinator
- Preparation of program based on Needs Assessment


Prior to Arrival
* Initial telephone contact with employee by Vip-Service coordinator
* Preparation of program based on Needs Assessment

Upon Arrival

* Meeting the transferee at hotel I company
* Short briefing about the country I preferred area
* Handing over information package
* Accompanied viewing of 8-10 accommodation alternatives
* Assistance with lease negotiations
* Assistance with the in check and inventory
* Assistance with the connection of the basic utilities like gas, water and electricity


* Assistance with the internet connection applications
* Registration at the Town Hall
* Assistance in opening of a bank account
* Assistance in arranging the appointment for obtaining a mobile phone

- Application for telephone line
- Arranging for furniture rental
- Assistance in transferring driving license
- Arranging for technical check of imported vehicle
- Assistance in registration of vehicle
- Assistance in obtaining a parking permit
- Assistance with customs formalities
- Assistance in finding the kindergarten
- Assistance in finding a baby-sitter I au pair
- Assistance in making arrangements for health insurance
and medical care
- Organizing language courses
- Assistance in finding craftsmen I contractors
- Translation services
- Finding a suitable removal company
- Information on spouse career possibilities
- Organizing Cross-Cultural Trainings


Prior to Departure
- Initial telephone contact with employee by EuroHome coordinator
- Preparation of program based on Needs Assessment
- Termination of lease contract
- Disconnection of utilities like gas, water, electricity
- Disconnection of telephone line
- Termination of subscription to magazines, radio and
TV license, insurance
- Notifying the authorities
- Official check-out procedure I inventory check
- Selection of a suitable removal company

After Departure
- Arranging for the mail forwarding (max. 3 months)
- Monitoring refund of deposit

Other services are available on request, please do not hesitate to get in touch and ask us.

Our company is engaged in complex services for foreigners in Poland,

such as their stay, relocation and immigration. You don't need stress connected with coming to a new town.
We take care of your removal and formalities connected with temporary or permanent residence and settling down. You can save time and money. Tell us what matters brought you to Poland, how you would like to spend time here. We guarantee overall services during your stay, we arrange your time, help you deal with administrative matters. We’ll handle everything, even tasks that seem impossible!
You won't feel alone or lost. You can count on us 24h a day. We will provide full services, help and assistance.
Relocation services.
The relocation and actual moving process is difficult enough without having to worry about finding an experienced and qualified Real Estate agent to assist you in the process of renting your home. All of our agents are higly qualified proffesionals .We have a longstanding and enviable reputation for providing worldwide relocation assistance, international relocation services and practical relocation advice and corporate relocation services to companies and their transferees moving across the World.
Using specialist knowledge and by developing an understanding of your company, we achieve the highest standards of client care.
We offer a wide variety of core worldwide relocation assistance and associated support services, including immigration services, international relocation services and domestic destination services, removal, accommodation and group move management.
By keeping our dealings with clients simple and straightforward, we provide solutions to suit the client’s needs, which are both relevant and cost effective.
Each foreigner coming to work in Poland wishes to organize his life and settle down as fast as possible. Removal, flat, house services, school for children, language course, formalities, etc. We'll take care of that for you, and solve all problems concerning your stay in Poland. We know how hard it is to assimilate in a new place, but our assistance will help you anchor in Poland.
As a company that helps foreigners in relocation to Poland we provide our clients with assistance and services regarding:
· Apartments for rent and sale finding
· Resettlement property
· Relocation
· Removal
· An international school finding
· All formalities connected with legal stay in Poland
· Permanent residence
We cooperate with international companies that deal with removal and relocation.
Contact us if you need to rent an apartment.
We strongly recommend going on an indicative tour since it is the best way to provide a potential employee with the knowledge about the life in Warsaw. We can also prepare you an information pamphlet adapted to your individual needs.
Below, you will find example indicative tours:
· Short, one-day tours – collecting a foreigner from the airport and taking them to a hotel, presenting offers of accommodation, providing a foreigner with a pamphlet about life and communication in Warsaw
· 2 or 3-day tours - collecting a foreigner from the airport and taking them to a hotel, presenting offers of accommodation and visiting them, showing Warsaw around, having a drink in a restaurant or pub while talking about life in Poland – how to live and commute in Warsaw
· 4-10 days tours - collecting a foreigner from the airport and taking them to a hotel, presenting offers of accommodation and visiting them, showing Warsaw around, having a drink in a restaurant or pub while talking about life in Poland – how to live and commute in Warsaw, presenting more offers of accommodation, touring Warsaw and surroundings, transfer to the airport


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